Our Trugs come in a wide range of sizes and in every colour you may ever need!
Rainbow Trugs come in a range of sizes and fabulous colours. High quality, suitable for in and around the home and workplace.
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The revolutionary Rainbow Trug® Trug-Lid™ not only makes Rainbow Trugs stackable but turns them into the ultimate lidded container.
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We have created a range of fun stickers for your Rainbow Trug® and contents stickers for Turg-Lid™
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Rainbow Trugs® have designed some truly creative and innovative trug accessories including our unique Trug-Riddle™
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Why choose Rainbow Trugs?

Animal Safe

UV Stable

Frost Resistant

Food Grade

Child Safe

Non Toxic

Flexible Design

Independently Tested

British Made

Integrated Scale

Rainbow Trugs are a British manufacturer of flexible containers and accessories
We make a range of high quality flexible Trugs that are truly multipurpose. Whether you use them at home or in the workplace, Rainbow Trugs® offer a storing or handling solution that is flexible, colourful and strong. All Rainbow Trugs® and Trug-Lids™ are made from FOOD GRADE polymers making them safe for children, live fish, food production and more. You can even take them to the beach!

Are you a fan of our Rainbow Trugs and would like to buy them for your workplace? Or perhaps you're a retailer and would like to sell our products. No matter which type of business you are, we'd love you to be part of the Rainbow Trugs family, so why not get in touch. We can even provide our products with your own branding!

What will you use yours for?
Our flexible Trugs can be used for almost anything and our lovely customers are definitely proof of that. Check out our Uses Gallery for ideas of what you can use yours for or why not send us a photo of your Trugs in use?

What else do you do?
As well as designing and manufacturing Rainbow Trugs here in the UK, we also sell a range of other products which are sold through our www.BitsAndBobs.uk webstore.