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Why choose Rainbow Trugs?
  • Animal Safe icon

    Animal Safe

  • UV Stable icon

    UV Stable

  • Frost Resistant icon

    Frost Resistant

  • Food Grade icon

    Food Grade

  • UV Stable icon

    Child Safe

  • UV Stable icon

    Non Toxic

  • Flexible design icon

    Flexible Design

  • Independently tested icon

    Independently Tested

  • British Made icon

    British Made

  • Integrated Scale icon

    Integrated Scale

  • Recyclable icon


Why choose Rainbow Trugs?

Animal Safe icon

Animal Safe

UV Stable icon

UV Stable

Frost Resistant icon

Frost Resistant

Food Grade icon

Food Grade

UV Stable icon

Child Safe

UV Stable icon

Non Toxic

Flexible design icon

Flexible Design

Independently tested icon

Independently Tested

British Made icon

British Made

Integrated Scale icon

Integrated Scale

Integrated Scale icon
